Friday, May 12, 2006

Don't be Dupes--American Voter

I very much agree with Air America's Rachael Maddow that Bush's quick response to the recent NSA revelation regarding the logging of American's phone calls makes the Republican's strategy for the 2006 and 2008 elections clear: FEAR and/or 9/11 demands these types of actions and Democrats are wimps and want us to stop doing what's necessary to keep you safe.

The message that is going to be brought endlessly will be: They (Republicans) are tough on terror and willing to do whatever it takes to keep you safe! Education, health care, civil liberties, poverty, Katrina rebuilding, rampant corpratism etc etc all pale in comparison to the "fact" that you are in danger and only we will keep you safe.

Don't buy it hook line and sinker people. Think Think THINK Question QUESTION.

  • They (Bush etc) tell you that ____________ (wire tapping, Guantonimo, Iraq, Secret Prisons, Torture, etc) is necessary to stop terroism, but they never tell you how exactly or offer any proof of its effectiveness.
  • They tell you that the NSA thing would have prevented 9-11, but again offer no proof, beyond "Trust Us." Alos, how do you know that they are only going to use this information to look for terrorists, especially as there is currently NO oversight...
  • They tell you that Iraq is a necessary war/occupation as it is and will keep us safer, yet offer no proof beyond slogans and simplistic platitudes. Wanting something to be true does not make it true.
  • They blame what little functioning press is left for "helping the enemy" by letting us now what they are up to, rather than taking any responsibility and treating us like we have even a minimal IQ.

When they bring up "Being tough on Terror" ask them about the level of hate they have managed to create towards the US, ask them were Osama is, ask them about our ports and borders, ask them how occupying Iraq and dumping more lives and $$$ into it is actually benefiting us and the Iraqis who are dying literally by the truckload now.

Giving up freedoms does not make you freer or safer... it makes you a dupe.

Think, Question, and Demand Better


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