Friday, August 11, 2006

Letter From Lebanon


Beirut, August 7th 2006>>

We are fine Because our mind is not under siege by the brutal force. Because those burned, riddled and shredded bodies are for us the exact reason for expression and solidarity that are worth hoping for. Because each time a murderer discharges his fury, he exhausts the power >within himself as soon as he releases it, whereas his victims' escapes to his cruelty and blends with the universal tragedy of Man, from Hecube to Nesrine Salloum, the one that dilates irrepressibly, fills the void left behind by the warlike stupidity and claims the all mighty assertion that there is something else to do than what is happening. We are not fine...Because the massacres, the bombing raids, the destructions, the forced >displacements of people have taken the rhythm of a banal routine, a little more insignificant each day. Because the Mediterranean, from Byblos to Tyr, is in mourning, and will >hold on to its black suit of fuel for years, Because the Bekaa milk, eggs and vineyards were the shameful targets of the most coward soldiers of the planet, Because the war of Lebanon, with its spectacular side, conceals another one, more serious, more horrible, the one of Gaza that dehumanizes a humiliated people, with no work, no water, no electricity, no rights, >regularly massacred, locked up in what is becoming a huge concentration camp, Because the reports, the articles, the documentaries, the calls and the denouncements engulf in the putrid UN marsh, dilute themselves in the "anergia" of the suit and tie gentlemen who's babbling gabs immediately stop at the first wrath of the Big Boss with his despising, peremptory and irrevocable "veto".

(Between 1972 and 2003, 39 Security Council resolutions against Israel were >vetoed by the United States. 39 times the "right" of one party alone has >won over the will of the international community.>>Of those 39 denials of justice, 11 were about the Israeli aggressions on >Lebanon)

Because Bush's "smart bombs" carry on their undisturbed journey thanks to the good care of their British clerk, and because yesterday, August 6th was the anniversary of the bomb over >Hiroshima>>"... on top of the usual sifting lesions due to shrapnel the wounded have similar burns on the head and the arms, on the uncovered parts of the body. Also, the wounded members are very deteriorated, as if torn by a land mine. All this seems like the effect of fragmentation bombs ignited by drones with delayed-action bombs..." (Régis Garrigues - Médecins du monde)>"... Due to air strikes, some people carry severe wounds that doctors are unable to determine the causes. The chest remains intact, while the face and the four members of the body's muscles have literally melt at some parts. A true horror. No metallic splinter or fragment allows to indicate >what kind of weapon could cause these wounds... " (Jean-Paul Delain - Médecins sans frontières)"

... Information like this is serious enough to be the object of a significant international investigation that would be able to stop the rumor, if it is one; On the other hand it could bring this war crime to international authorities able to judge, or, in the absence of being able to do so for lack of constraining texts, would put a point of honor to condemn it clearly......"

But we are fine, what about you?

~Roger Assaf, Issam Bou Khaled, Kamal Chayya, Rawya El Chab, Zeina Saab De >Melero, Said Serhan, Fadi el Far, Tarek Atoui, Hagop Der Ghougassian, Abdo >Nawar, Hanane Hajj Ali, Abder Rahman Awad, Zeinab Assaf, Bernadette >Houdeib, Ibrahim Serhan, Nehmat Atallah.


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